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Won't it be great to be able to have internet access in any corner of Singapore??
Don't you find it troublesome to have to search for 'hot spots' to use the internet when you need to access it urgently??
Well, with the Singtel BroadBand On Mobile Youth Plan, all your troubles are solved.

For me, I would like to be able to use the internet at a place such as below:

Imagine sitting at the bench in a garden or park, enjoying mother nature while being able to access the internet, facebooking, msn-ing, blogging; while have a nice drink and snacks with you. Isn't that great?? When you felt too stress at home, and don't feel like going to crowded places like the library and shopping centres, where else other than a place in the nature would be better? You will be able to relax your mind and body while being able to connect to the rest of the world with the access to the internet.

I would love that~

"Live Life Online Anywhere with SingTel BroadBand on Mobile Youth Plan! Visit for details."

Pardon for the dark video, it appear alright on my laptop but when uploaded to youtube, the quality was compromised. Do watch it in HD, it will be slightly better. Hence do turn up the volume to listen to the sounds. XD

As the title says, it's a teaser video. I will do a proper post soon by this week. XD



Flashmob article


“On Our Way To The Singapore River Festival”

Went to watch Crackers? by The World Famous. It was the closing ceremony for the Singapore Arts Festival 2009.

This will not be a wordy post at all, it's super image and video heavy. LOL~~ I have enjoyed the performance alot~~ It's the most awesome fireworks that i have ever seen. XD

Hope that you will able to feel the atmosphere through this post. XD

Signs we see when we enter the site~~

Dear Syaq~~

Me~ Haha, super unglam expression~~

She's giving out ear plugs and party poppers~~ Took a party popper~~

This pic onwards will be on the fireworks~~

This is my fav pic out of the batch~~

This is something like Catherine wheel, super cool~~

The 'Human Cracker' left burning at the very end of the show...

Videos Below~~ Enjoy~ Do look through all of them~~ Won't take more then 15 mins of your time. XD